Friday, February 26, 2010

your labor is not in vain

I was cleaning up my files when I saw this writing, dated September 8, 2008. I don't even remember what prompt me to write this, or where I learned it from (Most likely from truthforlife broadcast, or as a response for the video from nooma). I just know that it bless my heart today. So, as you read it, I pray that you may be blessed too.

Remember when Elijah was on Mount Carmel and the LORD demonstrated His power in the form of fire that fell and burned up the sacrifice? (1 Kings 18:38). The response from the people was totally understandable: they fell prostrate and cried "The Lord-he is God! The Lord-he is God!" (v39). But then when Queen Jezebel heard about the things that had happened on the mount, she had a quite different response: She swore that she would kill Elijah the same way as the 450 prophets of Baal was slaughtered.

Elijah might be wondering, how come after the obvious demonstration of God's power, Jezebel still hardened her heart and refused to acknowledge that the Lord is indeed God. What seemed to be a victorious event turned out to be not enough to lead Jezebel and Ahab into repentance. Then Elijah cried out in frustration and prayed that he might die "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors."

In similar ways, many of us who are involved in God's ministry often times deals with frustration similar to Elijah's. We witnessed the Lord at work and we know there is no other appropriate response than to worship and praise Him and hail Him as Lord and King of our lives. But not everyone responded to God in the same way. And like Elijah, we started to think that probably all the sacrifices we made for God were in vain because people were not drawn to Him.

Over and over again, God keep reminding us that it is the Holy Spirit who is at work to turn people to repentance. It is not what we do or say. Over and over again God also reminds us that He delights in our obedience above anything else.

Focus on God, and He will take care of the people (learned from Nana)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Her name is Joy

It's almost 1st year anniversary of the piano in the house, yet I haven't really properly named her. So, yesterday (2/24) I decided that she would be called Joy, because that's what she brings to the house.

I remember 2 years ago when I started to consider a purchase. I was not sure that it will be a good investment, since that time we started to have this economic crisis and lots of other people started to lose jobs. I prayed for it for a while and I was so excited when it finally came! In fact, I was so grateful to the LORD that I 'promise' Him that I will use it to bring glory to God. Specifically, I even committed myself to train people be musicians in worship session at church.

There is this one specific time when I started to forgot about this commitment and was being reminded again by God. Once he reminded me, I started to pray that God would direct me to the person He wants to train to serve. Out of the blue, one of my smallgroup girls came to me and told me that she wanted to be trained, even before I asked her. (I have an Amazing God!)

Anyways, all these time, the instrument has helped me to worship God more often with songs and to have a quiet moment of prayer and reflection. We hosted more music practice for young adult and English service. And.....Oh! It helps me to keep Max busy whenever he's in the house. =)

Thank You God, for bringing "Joy" to the house. May You use us to bless more people with the gift of music.