Friday, July 18, 2014

JAF - Indo Service Testimony


this is the my testimony script at Indonesian Service IEC post Joni and Friends Family Retreat. I haven't got a chance to type it nicely, but I do want to share with you before I forget =) Enjoy!

Selamat pagi semuanya. Terimakasih atas kesempatannya untuk bisa sharing pengalaman saya melayani di Joni and Friends Ministry 2 minggu yang lalu.

Joni and Friends ministry didirikan oleh Joni Eareckson Tada pada tahun 1979. Tahun 1967, pada usia 17 tahun, Joni yang sehat dan atletis tiba2 menjadi cacat tangan dan kaki akibat kecelakan. Dari pergumulannya, Joni merasa terbeban untuk melayani keluarga keluarga lain yang punya pengalaman yg serupa.

Pelayanan Joni and Friends memberitakan Injil dan memperlengkapi gereja2 untuk melayani, mendukung dan melatih keluarga2 ini menjadi murid Kristus.

Program mereka yang saya ikuti 2 minggu lalu adalah Retreat Keluarga. Dalam retreat ini, seluruh keluarga datang bersama2, lalu setiap anggota keluarga ada program masing2.
Ada program
  • dewasa (parents) – ada kelompok kecil untuk bapak2 dan ibu2.
  • youthful adult (mereka yang usianya dewasa tetapi ada kondisi fisik atau mental yang berbeda dengan dewasa pada umumnya – autism, down syndrome, dll)
  • teen / remaja (mereka yang highschool/middleschool. Kebanyakan kakak atau adik dari anak yang mempunyai kelainan jatuh dalam kategori ini. Mereka sendiri sehat secara fisik, tapi anggota keluarga mereka ada yang cacat)
  • anak2
  • nursery – bayi dan balita
Orang2 yang datang ke family retreat ini disebut camper. Camper paling muda tahun ini usia 3 bulan, paling tua itu usia 61 tahun.

Kami ikut sebagai Short Term Missionary (STM). Saya dan Jen masing2 dipasangkan dengan satu keluarga selama satu minggu. Tugas kami adalah menjadi teman camper kami, menemani camper kami dalam program mereka, makan bersama, menyatakan kasih Kristus kepada teman kami dan juga kepada keluarga mereka.

Saya secara pribadi belajar banyak hal dari Retreat ini.
  1. Kuasa doa
    Satu bulan sebelum retreat, saya minta teman2 mendoakan saya dalam persiapan. Sebelum campers datang kami para pekerja berdoa di setiap ruangan yang akan dipakai, supaya Tuhan memberi perlindungan dan menyatakan kuasaNya. Setiap pagi saya ikut kebaktian doa pagi yang sebenernya tidak wajib, tapi saya merasakan manfaatnya sepanjang hari. Saya merasakan kuasa doa teman2 melingkupi saya sepanjang hari.
  2. Identitas dalam Kristus
    Saya merasakan Tuhan mengubah hati saya terhadap orang2 dengan kebutuhan khusus ini. Saya ga lihat mereka sebagai orang cacat, tapi saya perhatikan karakter mereka. Misalnya ada satu anak, tingginya 6 feet (2m), dia ga bisa berkomunikasi secara verbal, tapi anak ini sangat penuh kasih. Tiap kali dia liat mamanya, dia datang trus kasih kiss. Ada lagi satu orang yang tangannya kecil sebelah, tapi hatinya sangat caring. Setiap pagi sebelum kebaktian dia datengin orang2, kasih salam, nanya how are you?
    Saya bersyukur Tuhan ubah hati saya melihat mereka sebagai ciptaan Tuhan, sama seperti saya. Kita semua diciptakan sesuai kehendak Tuhan dan kita semua perlu anugrah keselamatan dari Tuhan
  3. Staff
    Saya merasakan support yang unconditional dari staff, coordinator yang mentor saya dalam pelayanan ini. Pelayanan ini sangat baru bagi saya, dan saya banyak kekuatiran dan tidak berpengalaman. Staff mendukung saya bukan hanya dalam bentuk informasi, tapi mereka juga berdoa untuk saya dan memberi semangat buat saya untuk terus bersandar kepada Tuhan dalam segala hal. 
  4. STM
    Kebanyakan dari STM ini adalah anak2 highschool dan college. Retreat ini ga murah yah, kami bayar $450 untuk biaya training dan akomodasi. Tidak termasuk ongkos transport (sebagian orang2 datang dari state lain). Kebanyakan anak2 ini ga cuma ikut satu kali, ada yang ikut 3 kali tahun ini. Mereka diberi bantuan dana dari gereja, tetapi banyak dari mereka yang harus kerja atau jualan untuk menggalang dana. Dan mereka semua kerjainnya dengan sukacita.
  5. Keluarga
    Saya melihat Tuhan memang memberi karunia yang khusus kepada keluarga2 ini. Saya sangat tersentuh melihat kasih yang tidak bersyarat yang diberikan kepada anak2 mereka. Tapi kenyataannya, punya anggota keluarga yang ada kelainan itu banyak tantangannya. Banyak dari pasangan suami istri yang cerai karena anak mereka yang punya kelainan butuh banyak
    perhatian dan pasangan suami istri tidak ada waktu untuk memupuk hubungan mereka.
    Saya bersyukur di retreat ini ada family counselor yang terlatih untuk membantu membimbing dan memberi dukungan kepada keluarga2 ini.
  6. Adopsi
    Saya melihat beberapa keluarga yang mengadopsi anak2 ini. Mereka bukan adopsi anak2 yang sehat, tetapi anak2 yang ada kelainan. Ga cuma satu lagi! Ada satu keluarga punya 4 anak, dan sekarang dalam proses mengadopsi satu anak lagi. Mereka merasa terpanggil untuk membuka rumah mereka untuk anak2 ini dan mereka taat pada panggilan Tuhan tersebut. Saya merasa tertantang untuk punya ketaatan yang serupa, apapun yang Tuhan kasih dalam hati saya, saya mau lakukan dengan sungguh2. 

Saya sangat bersyukur untuk orang2 yang saya kenal melalui retreat dan juga pengalaman2 yang Tuhan ajarkan. Sesaat saya ada merasa seperti di Surga, di mana orang2 keliatan berbeda tetapi kami semua sebenernya sama2 ciptaan Tuhan. Kita semua sama berharganya di mata Tuhan.  

What Now? - Steven Curtis Chapman

What now?

by Steven Curtis Chapman

I saw the face of Jesus in a little orphan girl
She was standing in the corner on the other side of the world
And I heard the voice of Jesus gently whisper to my heart
Didn't you say you wanted to find me?
Well here I am, here you are

So, What now?
What will you do now that you found Me?
What now?
What will you do with this treasure you've found?
I know I may not look like what you expected
But if you remember this is right where I said I would be
You've found me
What now?

And I saw the face of Jesus down on Sixteenth Avenue
He was sleeping in an old car, while his mom went looking for food
And I heard the voice of Jesus gently whisper to my soul
Didn't you say you wanted to know me?
Well here I am, and it's getting cold

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 loaves of bread and 2 fish

After having classes after classes on Saturdays, I finally have the first Saturday of the month free. I decided to serve the residents of homeless shelter Innvision (influenced by a song by steven curtis chapman that i will share in next post).

There's 4 of us and 40 people to feed. Tante Rini Hing did a good job leading us the team. She showed us how to cut and clean veggies, meat and she would assign us on a task we can accomplish. We had a good pace and ready to serve the food by 6.30pm

Surprise came at 6.15pm, the cook(s) for the other house did not show up, so now we need to feed additional 50 people from the other house - that's 90 people total! Under ci Rini's direction we quickly prepare another meal and cut up more fruits, hoping that there is enough food to feed everyone who are coming. 

At the end of the meal, many people got second servings and one person actually can actually get 3rd servings and everybody who came get sufficient amount of food! Really, if Jesus can feed 5000+ people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, ramping up 40 meals into 90 is a piece of cake for Him! 

What a mighty God we serve! =)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Consider others

My sister in Christ, M, asked me to sleepover at her house while her husband was on business trip. She had 2 daughters, M (10 y.o) and C (6 y.o). They are all such a delight, but I have one specific experience with C that I want to share with you.

We were playing with Disney princesses: Tatiana, Mulan, Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine. So C wants me to pick 3 out of these 6. I really don't have preference, and as the older one, I felt that I need to yield to her and let her have her picks first. But she insisted, so I said we'll take turns making choices: I'll pick one and then you'll pick one, we'll continue until all princesses have owner. She agreed.

We finally went down to 2 princesses: Cinderella and Ariel. My previous picks were Mulan and Jasmine, so I want the last princess to have a proper dress, so I picked Cinderella. C instantly shouted "Yes!!!" then excitedly get Ariel to her team. "I really wanted Ariel," she said. I started protesting, telling her that she could have told me that. Her answer was, "I know, but I want to you have all your favorites."

My heart fell to the floor the moment she said that. I was totally humbled. C, at 6 year old, taught me what it means to consider others as more important. To yield and to think of others first, before your own wants.

Matthew 18
New International Version (NIV)
The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beanie story

Our pemuda group had a camping trip 2 weeks ago. One of the thing I am afraid the most about the trip is enduring the cold at night. Bay area weather never requires us to own a beanie and don't want to buy one just for the trip.

It started as i browse around the Goodwill's store. I love looking for stationeries: colored papers, file divider, crafting supplies, you name it! I give credit for my friend at Montessori school for getting me plugged in to this store!

I saw a roll of pretty heavy yarn on the store. It sells for $ 1.59, and i impulsively bought it. I have crochet sticks from way before (even before Max Tan was born!) But never really have a completed projects before (booo!) I do realized that i had too thin of a yarn before, so this time i get a heavier one hoping that the project will finish faster  :)

I followed instructions from this tutorial. The result totally surprised me!! Well, let's be honest, it's not the neatest stitch, but i can't stop taking about it! I made it! The hat, as humble as it is, have me delight :)

I have better understanding on how God takes delight in us because we are His!

Anyways, I completed the work the night I brought it home. It took me about 4 hours to complete. Is there any project that you've been meaning to try? Trust me, if i can complete a hat, You can do anything you set your mind to!

Hope this post encouraged you to go and try DIY projects for your own :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hiking with Yeye

BoTh Yeye and i have a free Saturday this week, which doesn't happenthat often. We decided to go on a hike because both of us need to lose weight: I need to lose weight for my cousin's wedding in October, yeye for his bro's wedding in December.
It's a bit challenging to pick a trail, because neither of us are real hikers. On Saturday morning i opened up my Google Now browser and found out about wildflower festival in Sunol. It's a bit far, but still managable. They have booths and guided walk. Its perfect for us, i thought!

When we arrived at the park, we couldn't hide our disappointment for a small booths area, as it doesn't seem like they have a lot to explore. So we decided to go hit the trail rightaway.

We have no maps, no idea how long the trail is, or what to expect whatsoever. We just followed the crowd leading to the hiking area. In the very beginning, the trail branches into two path: one looking really steep and the other one looks a lot flatter going along the creek.

It was no brainer which trail we chose! I remember one of us said it's impossible to do the steep trail. So by the creek we go. We talked, enjoyed the wonderful weather (including too much sunlight!), but we were not really impressed by the trail. We were starting to wonder where the trail would end,  whether it's a loop or an out and back trail. We went up to a point called little Yosemite, where the creek ends, and we saw large rocks and !ini waterfalls.

We were contemplating whether we should continue the loop or go back the same way. Then sudenly I felt an urge to go uphill to continue the loop because i want to see the view from higher elevation and we sure glad we did!

The views on top are gorgeous!! We saw cows too:

Yeye said surely we can't lose to them!!! Hahah

Anyways i learned not to get intimidated too easily by the things we see as reality. The hill sure looked high when we started, but we ended up finishing the whole loop in one piece. We did get awfully hungry afterwards, but that's normal, yeah? 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Too good to be kept alone

I recently found this article (six lessons in good listening) and felt an urge to share with you. It is in line with what I've learned at BASS conference on coaching, by Pira Tritasavit (founder of kingdom professionals, ci Santi's classmate from Western Seminary).

Coaching is a way to serve others by "helping them want what they want the most and help them accomplish what they want the most"

The field of coaching is distinct from counseling, consulting, preaching and teaching. Just like a trainer in a gym, a coach is there to motivate the trainee. The trainee would have to do all the heavy lifting and the exercises.

This article reminds me of that concept. Letting people finish their thoughts, listening carefully and not jumping into conclusions are one great way to be a better servant for our brothers and sisters.

Hope you enjoy this article!

On a date with the One who loves me most

Ever since I heard Sam Earp sermon on devotional and having a soul care time, I've always been meaning to try it out but I've always been distracted with other stuffs that it never get to happen.

So this past Monday, on my birthday, I have a strong determination to finally have one. A quiet time to reflect and pray and asking wisdom for direction in the future.

So i went to a quiet cafe, spending time praying and just enjoying the Lord's presence. I then started to read back my journal entries from 2004. The journal itself was a birthday gift from ci kiki way back then.

I kept thinking to myself how funny it is, that although my name is Fonda, all my life stories have been all about grace. Anyways, looking back those years overwhelmed me with gratitude for all the things God has done in my life. There is a sense of wonder of how he orchestrated my life, crossing my paths with others to pray and encourage one another, to learn from one another, to speak truth to one another.

As I read my journal, I see all of them as and extension of God's grace. I'm grateful for these people who pursue the introverted me, building friendship with me and inviting me to their lives. I'm grateful that although I am still introverted, over the years God helped me to be more fond of people, to get interested in their lives and to see God's handiwork through them.

Anyways, this year's birthday theme has been all about gratitude. I am grateful that I get to spend time with the one who loves me most and get my love tank filled up :)