Thursday, April 3, 2014

Too good to be kept alone

I recently found this article (six lessons in good listening) and felt an urge to share with you. It is in line with what I've learned at BASS conference on coaching, by Pira Tritasavit (founder of kingdom professionals, ci Santi's classmate from Western Seminary).

Coaching is a way to serve others by "helping them want what they want the most and help them accomplish what they want the most"

The field of coaching is distinct from counseling, consulting, preaching and teaching. Just like a trainer in a gym, a coach is there to motivate the trainee. The trainee would have to do all the heavy lifting and the exercises.

This article reminds me of that concept. Letting people finish their thoughts, listening carefully and not jumping into conclusions are one great way to be a better servant for our brothers and sisters.

Hope you enjoy this article!

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