Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quality time with Wesley

Sharing with you the times I spent with Wesley.....
The Rustam kids have a unique quality - the more you spend time with them the faster you miss them too.....

Thanks for letting me spend time with your kids, ci Kiki & ko Chris! They are such a blessing =)


  1. Thank YOU, auntie Fonda. YOU are such a blessing for our family. Mwahhhhh. Kmrn Max cari2 abis pulang Awana. He was so sad that you left already. I told him later telpon tanya auntie Fonda Maxie boleh maen ngak ;)

  2. Is that Ady? She's so big now!!! And in the second video, is that the sound of Ady's younger sibling in the background? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    I know right, Aunty Ada, Rustam kids are addictive!!! Just like chocolate!!!

    1. Well said, addictive like chocolate =)

      Iyah that's Addie....masa iyah sih so big? She seems to stay the same size like last year :p

      Yup, it's probably Dorian, Addie's lil time bisa play date with lil Manny =)

  3. wuaaaaaaaaaaa jealoussssss T.T
