My aunt has been making a lot of tape ketan lately, since she bought ragi from Indonesia. It turns out that my uncle likes tape singkong better, so earlier last month we bought him cassava. That somehow reminds me of singkong goreng I used to have at home in Indo, so the following week I bought myself some singkong and tried to fried it. I never really appreciate the labor that goes into this, since everything is always ready to eat on the table, beautifully prepared by mbak. My part was just finishing it off with compliments (if it's good) OR (shame on me) complain if it's not.
For this singkong goreng that actually taste pretty close to home, I boiled them first with garlic, coriander and salt until they're soft. I let them cool overnight so they kinda dried up a little (I guess you can also try to fry them right a way but I found out it would be way too messy because of the splash they'll create). Then you go ahead and deep fry them. It will still taste good the next day if you heat it in the toaster oven. Best enjoyed with hot indonesian tea.
Although it does not sound as labor-intensive, it did almost cost me a finger, which I'll explain in the next post.

End result

Deep frying

After boiling with spices
mauuuuuuuuuuuu...... =)