Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy weekend

One of my co-workers always said to me "Fonda, I see you have too many activities." She's probably right. I feel the need of good time management more and more these days. Sometimes I was tempted to say to God, "God, there's not enough time to do all things I want to do". I imagine God would reply, "But there is always enough time to do all the things I want you to do, so why don't you try to start aligning what you want with what I want for your life?" would be interesting to see how it turn out when I start to align my will with His, wouldn' it?


Last weekend was pretty busy, but super fun! On Thursday night, we (Fonda, Nana, Lucio, ko Otis) got a chance to see meteor shower from Mt. Hamilton. It wasn't shower like what you'll see in the movies. You kinda have to wait and watch out for the split second moving object (light) in the sky. But really, they are so pretty and worth waiting for! God has been very good to us. On that night the sky was crystal clear, no clouds whatsoever. Padahal the night before and the night after the sky was full with clouds, you can't even see the stars.

Then on Saturday, we (Fonda, Lucio, Indri, Annette) got a chance to go hiking at Stevens Creek County Park. It was a good hike and the scenery was so pretty. I guess it will be even prettier later in fall, when more leaves changes color and the creek is not dry. Maybe we'll go there again later =) Details and pics in next post.

After hiking, we went on lunch. Then Annette and I headed to the Jazz festival at downtown. It was actually better than I thought it would (well....I didn't have a high expectation to begin with). But to have a chance to listen to plenty good musicians are really motivating for me. Jazz is interesting in a sense that you can distinctly distinguish every single instrument, each one of them really stand out, but you can expect to enjoy good harmony at the same time.

That night, we end the day with Juju's last dinner in San Jose. I'm excited for her as she moves on to the next chapter of her life but also sad at the same time that she won't be around us anymore. But we all believe that God knows the best, Amen?

Today, I was so tired that I took the wrong highway to go to church band almost hit a car next to me because I did not see the blindspot when I tried to change lanes. But as Nana said in smallgroup last week, sometimes we can be very clumsy yet God still delivers us from disasters. God is good!

Hope you have a blessed weekend! Don't forget to start your week with the LORD =)

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