Monday, September 13, 2010

How would Jesus respond?

The day after labor day 2010. I was stuck in traffic for the longest time. It took me 1.5 hours to travel 15 miles! Interestingly, I was not mad. On the contrary, I was pretty patient with the super slow traffic, singing songs with KLOVE. And then I thought...."Oh, maybe God wanted me to use this time to pray" (I pray as I drive because it's just a perfect time to pour out your heart content to God and it is much safer than calling a friend as you drive!) So I lifted up prayers for friends and family for a couple seconds and then my mind started to wander around again. (Yes, I know, I need to be more disciplined in my thought life)

As I get home, I learned from my aunt that there's a person trying to commit suicide by jumping from the overpass onto Highway 87. No car hit him, and he did not died instantly. When I checked that night, he was taken to Valley Medical Center and was in critical condition. I heard he died at the hospital.

At the point when my aunt told me what happened, I was mad. My thought was: are you kidding me? That's why I was stuck in traffic for so long? How selfish! Does he realize the amount of inconveniences caused by his action?

But then the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit started to rebuke me: That's your respond? You said you're a follower of Christ, how would he respond to this news?

That's when it daunts me that I'm still far far away from having a heart like Jesus. I asked God's forgiveness for getting mad when I know I should be praying for that man and his family. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who faithfully teaches us His way.

One of my favorite verse these days:
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26)

May God always humbles our heart to receive instructions from the Holy Spirit

1 comment:

  1. thank youuuu for this! i will appreciate traffic now! XD kekekekekekekke
