...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:12-13)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ashes for beauty
Now I can trade this ashes in for beauty
And wear forgiveness like a crown
Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
I lay every burden down at the foot of the cross
What a liberation Jesus brought to the lives of those who believe in Him!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lord of my life
One of the thing I heard and truly blessed my heart was about tithing. He mentioned that in budgeting, no matter what, tithing should be the first thing we do. Tithing has helped him to say "money is not the lord of my life, God is".
While managing money certainly challenging for me, time management has been even more challenging. I found myself running out of time too often that I start to wonder what would happen if I apply the same principle every morning. From the moment I wake up, I surrender the day into God's plan, that I would say "my time is not mine alone, it's God's"
Romans 14:7-9 (New International Version)
7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
9For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.
How would Jesus respond?
As I get home, I learned from my aunt that there's a person trying to commit suicide by jumping from the overpass onto Highway 87. No car hit him, and he did not died instantly. When I checked that night, he was taken to Valley Medical Center and was in critical condition. I heard he died at the hospital.
At the point when my aunt told me what happened, I was mad. My thought was: are you kidding me? That's why I was stuck in traffic for so long? How selfish! Does he realize the amount of inconveniences caused by his action?
But then the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit started to rebuke me: That's your respond? You said you're a follower of Christ, how would he respond to this news?
That's when it daunts me that I'm still far far away from having a heart like Jesus. I asked God's forgiveness for getting mad when I know I should be praying for that man and his family. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who faithfully teaches us His way.
One of my favorite verse these days:
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26)
May God always humbles our heart to receive instructions from the Holy Spirit
Sunday, September 12, 2010
car breakdown
I actually had a jumper at the trunk but I did not know how to use it and I was too shy to ask for help. I happened to left my cell phone at home that day so I couldn't call anyone for help either.
I decided to walk home (it was only 15 min away, thank God!). After dinner my uncle went with me to try to jump start it, but it won't budge. We called AAA and they tried to start it too, yet it still didn't work. So they towed it to the shop and replace the battery.
Last Friday, as I drove home from work, I notice that dashboard lights for battery and brake were on. And I kinda feel like the car has no power. Prayerfully, I drove home and made it! My uncle take me to the car shop right away that day. It turned out that the alternator is broken. For those who don't know (like I did before Friday), alternator is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy (i.e: it is used to re-charge your battery to store power).
I was thankful that I got back home safely that Friday, but I still kinda complain to bu guru about the car. But then she reminded me to be thankful. To think about it, I guess it's good to get a brand new battery. If I didn't have a brand new battery last July, the car might not have enough power to drive 15 miles from office and I will get stranded by the freeway and cause major inconveniences for my uncle.
God's timing is perfect!
By our love
- Not just because Leo and Lucio's mom and dad are here and we have feast almost every night (dear God please protect me from gaining weight!)
- Not just because the weather is beautiful this weekend (but I do thank God for that!)
- Not just because I made it home from work with the brake and accumulator signals on, last Friday (I almost forgot to thank God for this until I shared with bu guru. Thank God for friends who reminds us to give thanks to God! will post more on this later)
I feel blessed especially because God has been blessing my dear friends:
- Last weekend ci Nana shared with me how God answer her prayers for reaching out to a sister
- This weekend Jonathan Lie shared with me how God blessed him through pemuda
- Today ci Clara shared with me how God provides the need of Children's Ministry
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
Oh how precious is the body of Christ! I felt really encouraged by their testimonies that I write this entry to tell all of you. God is indeed good.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Aug 14 - Stevens Creek County Park
Busy weekend
Last weekend was pretty busy, but super fun! On Thursday night, we (Fonda, Nana, Lucio, ko Otis) got a chance to see meteor shower from Mt. Hamilton. It wasn't shower like what you'll see in the movies. You kinda have to wait and watch out for the split second moving object (light) in the sky. But really, they are so pretty and worth waiting for! God has been very good to us. On that night the sky was crystal clear, no clouds whatsoever. Padahal the night before and the night after the sky was full with clouds, you can't even see the stars.
Then on Saturday, we (Fonda, Lucio, Indri, Annette) got a chance to go hiking at Stevens Creek County Park. It was a good hike and the scenery was so pretty. I guess it will be even prettier later in fall, when more leaves changes color and the creek is not dry. Maybe we'll go there again later =) Details and pics in next post.
After hiking, we went on lunch. Then Annette and I headed to the Jazz festival at downtown. It was actually better than I thought it would (well....I didn't have a high expectation to begin with). But to have a chance to listen to plenty good musicians are really motivating for me. Jazz is interesting in a sense that you can distinctly distinguish every single instrument, each one of them really stand out, but you can expect to enjoy good harmony at the same time.
That night, we end the day with Juju's last dinner in San Jose. I'm excited for her as she moves on to the next chapter of her life but also sad at the same time that she won't be around us anymore. But we all believe that God knows the best, Amen?
Today, I was so tired that I took the wrong highway to go to church band almost hit a car next to me because I did not see the blindspot when I tried to change lanes. But as Nana said in smallgroup last week, sometimes we can be very clumsy yet God still delivers us from disasters. God is good!
Hope you have a blessed weekend! Don't forget to start your week with the LORD =)
John 15:5
God also reminded me of my conversation with a sister in Christ years ago about being blessing for others. She told me I should not be afraid, for it is from the overflow of God's abundant love for me that I can share with others. Last month I wrote about how my view about God influence my attitude. I guess the same rules applies here. Do I believe that He has enough for me to share? God is always ready to shower us with all spiritual blessings if only we are ready to receive them. I know that! But do I truly believe that it's true?
Today at ES, I was reminded of John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
I want to share this song with you. A song that God's been singing in my heart. And I believe he's singing it to you too.
John 15:5
I'm the vine and you're the branches
Remain in me and I remain in you
Then you will bear much fruit
For apart from Me there's nothing that you can do
So come to Me, child
and I'll give you rest
For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light
Copyright (c) 2010 by Fonda Jong
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Post July 17th Biking
Let's talk about the first one, sunburn. I foolishly only applied SPF 15 because I thought it's going to be cloudy. It was cloudy most of the part, but the sun managed to find way to burn my skin. If you saw me this morning and commented on how burned my skin was, you should have seen me last night. It was 3 times as worse! 3 times! How did it get better so soon? It's the healing "magic" of aloe.
My aunt quickly gave me a piece of aloe last night and told me to get the juice and applied it over my face, let it sit overnight. I was skeptical at first because I used to apply aloe all over my hair when I was a kid, and it's really hard to get rid of the juice even after shampooing a couple times. I tried it anyways (because my cousin Berton said I can have ice cream after I use the aloe). It's really soothing and it really works!
Now about the soreness. My lower body are hurting from the trip. Last night, I barely can climb the stairs (and my room is on the 2nd floor!). While sleeping, I kept waking up every time I want to change position because it's hurting. I can see my clock that I wake up almost every hour.
Now in the past, when that happens, I would cry out to God demanding "God, PLEASE! You know I need sleep....How can I get to work tomorrow? Can't you help me out here?" Well, that doesn't sound like a good prayer, does it?
Last night I had a much better attitude. I couldn't sleep through the night, but I manage to give thanks that I had a wonderful day. Aching body is a little price to pay, and I woke up refreshed. The muscle-pain is going away (not completely, but at least it's not as hurt) and it is the LORD's day!
July 17th Biking
Last Saturday, the Prasetyas organized a biking trip at Monterey. The email calls for a casual biking, which Yanny defines as "no one left behind". They invited kids as well for the ride, so I thought it would be pretty safe for me to join.
I haven't been a sporty person my whole life. In my family, my sister and my brother are the sporty ones, not me. I'm always be the one who read books and stays indoor because I couldn't stand the heat in Indo. This year, I started doing aerobics up until Chinese New Year (Feb) and stopped exercising afterward. So, I should say I was not in a very good shape to do a long ride, but there's when grace enters the story.
With bike borrowed from Yanny and helmet borrowed from ko Chris, I bravely joined 6 experienced bikers: Marcel & Yanny, Ci Sukma, Ci Fenny, Ci Marlene, Ko Otis. God has been sooo good to us throughout the day.
Firstly we can't figure out how to load the bike I'm going to use to the bike rack, because there's no attachment from the bike to the rack. We ended up mounting ko Otis' bike to the rack instead so we can start going to Monterey. Yay for creative minds & flexibility!
Next, upon arrival, ko Otis' rear end tire was broken. The air kept on leaking out after pumping. We left the parking area and started to ride the on the trails while he went to bike shop to try to fix the tire. About an hour later, he texted Yanny telling that the tire is getting fixed and he's going to catch up with us. And catch up he did! Man, he's fast!
Third, upon arriving to the gate of 17-mile-drive, ci Sukma started to feel weak. We stopped and rest and had lunch at the site. Laughing at each other and having a good fellowship time. Ci Sukma seems to be fit for the rest of the trip. Thank God for taking care of each one of us during the trip!
As for myself, through this trip, I learned:
- that God is way bigger than what I encounter daily. Being out in the nature simply reminds me of the great God who created universe. Monterey Bay never fails to leave me in awe of God's wonderful creation. Our God is an awesome God!
- that God always takes care each one of us. Look at ko Otis' situation. Look at ci Sukma's. And there's me who rides super slow (thanks for being so patient, everyone! Especially Yanny who always watch over me from the back!) But we all manage to finish together and enjoy the trip by God's grace. He is a good God.
- to be more caring for others. I'm in awe of how much patience these people are showing and the amount of grace they are showering me with. I bet that's one of the reason I did not get cranky during the trip ;) God, help me to learn from them.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
When ci Kiki invited me to go camping with the Rustams, Wijayas and Gunawans, I was hesitating to go. I wanted to try camping since last year, but never had the opportunity. I was hesitating because the participants are all families and because I was not in a very good mood at that time and was trying to avoid people. At the end I asked for days off and my boss excitedly agreed to give me some time off.
Sand Dollar Beach
Taking some day off from work, being out in nature, hanging out with good friends and wonderful kids really lifted up my spirit. Watching the kids' interactions are actually really therapeutic for me =)
I learned to pause and to let God reminds me of how much He loves and cares for me.
SMILE! Jesus loves you!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Confess and Renounce
Proverbs 28:13 (New International Version)
13 He who conceals his sins does not prosper,
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
I was going to share this verse at English Service yesterday. But it was sooo hectic that I couldn't find the verse when I was leading. If you were there yesterday, I just want to clarify that the Bible says confesses and renounces them.
Renounce (according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary) means:
1 : to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration
2 : to refuse to follow, obey, or recognize any further
At worship training yesterday, I was also reminded to build a habit of confessing sin to prevent it from accumulating and from desensitizing our hearts.
Leading ES this week was a bit interesting, started from last week when we started to do preparation.
As we prepare for English service last week one of the musician asked if he can join for practice on Sunday right before the service because it was kinda hard to find time to practice in weekdays. At the end we managed to squeeze in some practice time in the weekday, right before they have practice for pemuda.
On practice day, one of the musician who has the keyboard was running late because he had to commute to SF that day. Had he gone home first to get the keyboard, we would have started practice really late and would potentially disrupts the other practice too. Thank God for our sister Kathy who kindly let us borrow her keyboard (and who happen to live in the same complex with ko Roy, where we had our practice) so we can start practice on time!
On Sunday, we noticed that we missed bringing the projector. We thought we can borrow from Indonesian Service, but it turned out that no one brought that one either. Thank God for Ping2 and Leticia who kindly picked it up from storage so we can have projector for English Service. There are still other obstacles on that day....I am so amazed how God use them all to humble me.
Last week at our smallgroup I learned about owning our responsibility. Honestly, as these things happens I was very very tempted to point fingers to others and to put blame on circumstances. Yet God gently teaching me to be more prepared next time =)
Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Shrek the final chapter
Went to watch shrek yesterday......It was ri-donkey-lously good! Well, at least I enjoyed it a lot!
I loveeeee animated movies, simply because they usually have a simpler story line (although they don't always make sense) and have simpler take home messages.
One of my favorite lines was when Donkey asked Shrek why would he traded his real life if he had everything he cherished. Shrek answered, "Cause I did not know it (my life) was perfect until it's gone."
I know it's just a movie (an animated one!) but when I heard that line, I couldn't help but to reflect on my own life. Yes, sometimes life can seem to be a boring routine, but God never waste our time. In every season of life, I believe God provides us with enough stuffs to carry on. Hope we all don't have to learn it the hard way like Shrek :p
Let me share a prayer I found in Proverbs 30 with you.
Proverbs 30 (New International Version)
7 "Two things I ask of you, O LORD;do not refuse me before I die:
8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
9 Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, 'Who is the LORD ?'
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Our merciful God, as always, never WASTE our time. As I was driving home, I tuned in 88.1 FM (CSN International Broadcast). I listened to message taken from Ephesians 4, which is exactly what I needed to hear. There's 2 section of the verse that spoke very strongly to me:
2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace
we need to be humble, gentle, patient, bearing one another in love because we are not working alone in the church. We are working and laboring hand in hand with other believers whom God has called to serve.
11It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
There are many gifts but one Spirit. As we use the gifts for the works of service, the body is built up till we all reach unity in faith and become mature.
Please pray for unity in body of Christ.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We Thank You
We Thank You!
We thank You Lord for all the things that You've done
We thank You Lord for Your loving kindness
We thank You Lord that You died on the cross
to give us life
We thank You Lord for being with us
When all else have failed and our world falls apart
We thank You Lord that Your mercy seeks us through
Lord, we thank You!
What are you joyful for today?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lord, search my heart
Seek through my thoughts
see if there's anything offensive in me
I want to be close to Your heart
But I know that You can't stand my sin
You are Holy, Holy
Set apart from all impurities
You are Holy, Holy
Make me holy just like you are
Psalm 139
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Lately, Max and I love to take our pics with camera. We count "one, two, THREE" so by the count three, Max would be looking at the camera with big smiles. Way easier than to have someone holding the camera and hoping for Max to smile at it.
This weekend, I used one of the pics as my desktop background and I started to realize that Max's skin is so smooth and tight, while mine started to show wrinkles! (hiksss) I was not completely sad, but I guess God thought I could use some "cheer me up"
On Sunday afternoon, as I was getting food in the doughnut shop, one of the customer thought I am still a student. He asked me what subject I am studying and how much longer until I finish my study. I told him I graduated 2 years ago (to which he replied, 'good for you, school is getting really expensive now'). Anyways.......I take it as I still look young although I looked wrinkled compare to Max.
On top of that, the doughnut man gave me a free doughnut: "You're studying biology? My daughter studies biology too, here's one doughnut for you!"
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
your labor is not in vain
Elijah might be wondering, how come after the obvious demonstration of God's power, Jezebel still hardened her heart and refused to acknowledge that the Lord is indeed God. What seemed to be a victorious event turned out to be not enough to lead Jezebel and Ahab into repentance. Then Elijah cried out in frustration and prayed that he might die "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors."
In similar ways, many of us who are involved in God's ministry often times deals with frustration similar to Elijah's. We witnessed the Lord at work and we know there is no other appropriate response than to worship and praise Him and hail Him as Lord and King of our lives. But not everyone responded to God in the same way. And like Elijah, we started to think that probably all the sacrifices we made for God were in vain because people were not drawn to Him.